Title: Mechanical Properties of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites
Authors: Samuel D. Strassler, Connor J. Reddington, Patrick A. Rodriguez, and Donald W. Radford
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.19.0793
Abstract: Research and development in the field of continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites have become more prevalent as market demand for fast cycle times, recyclability and high-performance materials increases. Elium thermoplastic resins, from Arkema, constitute an innovation in thermoplastic matrix composites processing through their ability to adapt to established composite processing methods already in use while retaining the benefits of recyclability and short cycle times. In consideration of the benefits afforded by in-situ polymerized liquid thermoplastics, it is important to evaluate the attainable performance gains allowed by the incorporation of continuous carbon fiber as a reinforcement in a thermoplastic matrix composite material. The present study evaluates the mechanical performance of continuous carbon fiber reinforced laminates manufactured from a 3K T700 biaxial stitched carbon fiber with a F0E sizing and a thermoplastic matrix using a resin infusion molding (RIM) process. Microscopy was performed on samples taken from various locations in the laminates for qualitative analysis of the composite quality. The Archimedes method, coupled with matrix burnout methods, was used to determine a fiber volume fraction of approximately 50 % for the laminates as well as a void volume fraction ranging from 0.94 % to 1.69 % depending on laminate thickness. The laminates were cut into tensile coupons with [0/90]2S and [±45]4S fiber orientation in accordance with ASTM D3039 and ASTM D3518 specifications. The tensile coupons were fitted with appropriate strain gages, where the measured principal strains were resolved into an elastic modulus of 57.16 GPa (8.29 MSI), and a shear modulus of 3.86 GPa (560 KSI) respectively. Additional tensile coupons with both fiber orientations were loaded to failure, resulting in a tensile strength of 786 MPa (114 KSI) for the [0/90]2S laminate and a tensile shear strength of 48.64 MPa (7.05 KSI) for the [±45]4S laminate. The mechanical properties experimentally determined herein are comparable to mechanical properties reported for carbon fiber thermoset laminates manufactured using T700 carbon fiber.
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Conference: CAMX 2019
Publication Date: 2019/09/23
SKU: TP19-0793
Pages: 11
Price: $22.00
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