Title: Joining of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites at large scale and to metal and glass
Authors: Jeff L. Ellis, Miranda Marcus, Matt A. Nitsch, Jeff J. Boyce
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0053
Abstract: Continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites (CFRTPC) are increasingly being used in aerospace, automotive, and oil & gas due to their low cost, recyclability, complex shape adaptability, high strength, and low weight. Joining CFRTPC by metal fasteners is not desirable due to the added weight, stress concentration, and corrosion, so other joining processes are needed to realize the full benefits of CFRTPCs. Three material systems were investigated for direct joining applicability. 1) Large scale through transmission laser welding of CFRTPCs. 2) Direct joining of CFRTPC to metal after laser etching. 3) Direct Joining of CFRTPC to glass. Unlike the other welding processes which have been investigated for joining CFRTPC that may damage the fibers, like ultrasonic or vibration, laser welding does not mechanically disrupt the internal fibers. This gentle welding approach allows for greater retained strength at the weld seam. Welding at 200 cm2 per min has been demonstrated. Laser welding of CFTPC has been thoroughly explored and will be presented on in detail including its strengths, challenges, and limitations. The adoption of these novel through transmission contour laser welding of the CFRTPC parts for system assembly has several important benefits. Systems will be lighter making them easier to transport and allow for longer use time on the same energy. The increased mechanical properties will make the system more robust and allow for less risk of system malfunction or break down. Eliminating the need for adhesives decreases manufacturing cost and complexity, especially for building or repair in remote locations. The benefits of the assembled system outweigh the added complexity during assembly and make laser welding a winning manufacturing option.
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Conference: CAMX 2023
Publication Date: 2023/10/30
SKU: TP23-0000000053
Pages: 14
Price: $28.00
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