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Workforce Development for Composite Manufacturing Based on Immersive Technology


Title: Workforce Development for Composite Manufacturing Based on Immersive Technology

Authors: Minhazur Rahman, Taufiq Rahman, Rafia Rahman Rafa, Shuchisnigdha Deb, Md Rassel Raihan

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0107

Abstract: Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites are currently the most sought-after material systems for structural components and are favored over conventional metals due to their superior strength-to-weight ratio. Among its different manufacturing processes, compression molding is one of the most efficient and most suitable for batch processing, making it the most desirable composite manufacturing technique for industries. As this process requires prepreg layup with molds placed in a compression press with heated plates, certain risk factors are considered while training manufacturing personnel. Hence, a training program has been developed based on an interactive virtual manufacturing environment that can circumvent these risk factors. Trainees can wear the Virtual Reality (VR) headset that allows them to immerse in the virtual environment and interact by following actions, such as prepreg laminae pre-processing, cure recipe setup, operating compression oven, etc., to manufacture a composite laminate. Additionally, it provides extended access to the training program for individual practices and allows for customization of the course to suit the needs of the trainees allowing for large workforce development in a cost-effective manner. To ensure fidelity, the virtual environment is designed and modeled after a real composite manufacturing facility. In this training program, the user can access virtual materials, equipment, infrastructure, and instructions to carry out the entire manufacturing process. Devised experiments focused on user experience and user performance data to evaluate the effectiveness of hands-on and virtual training. The assessment and user experience survey suggests that the VR training was significantly more effective in helping the user develop the skill and gain confidence to carry out the manufacturing task unsupervised. Further experiments and more robust user surveys are required to compare the hands-on vs. virtual training effectiveness.

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Conference: CAMX 2023

Publication Date: 2023/10/30

SKU: TP23-0000000107

Pages: 10

Price: $20.00

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