Title: Foreign Object Debris (FOD) in Composites Fabrication: Detection, Correction and Prevention
Authors: Chris Page, Scott Blake
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0112
Abstract: The fabrication methods and internal structure of composite materials make them particularly susceptible to performance degradation from entrapped foreign object debris (FOD). FOD that goes undetected until final inspection at the end of the fabrication cycle, known as an “internal escape,” results in costly scrap or rework. External escapes, in which FOD remains undetected within a composite structure in the field, can and have resulted in the catastrophic loss of aircraft, including loss of life. Identifying and eliminating FOD before it is embedded between composite plies has been one of the highest priorities of the composites industry, and it takes on even greater importance as adhesive-bonded composite joints gain popularity over mechanically fastened joints. This paper reviews technologies and methods used to detect and correct FOD events while the FOD is still on the surface and easily removed from a composite work-in-progress (WIP), ranging from manual inspection to electrical detection of metallic peel ply. It will then present a novel in-situ inspection technology based on machine vision and digital image analysis. This technology has achieved near-100% detection of FOD as small as 3 mm across on large, complex composite surfaces. Data from this inspection technology may be used in Industry 4.0 systems for analysis and future prevention of similar FOD events.
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Conference: CAMX 2023
Publication Date: 2023/10/30
SKU: TP23-0000000112
Pages: 10
Price: $20.00
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