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Nanomechanical Property Characterization of Composite Adhesive Bonding Systems with Long-term Environmental Exposures


Title: Nanomechanical Property Characterization of Composite Adhesive Bonding Systems with Long-term Environmental Exposures

Authors: Rita J. Olander, Brian D. Flinn, Ashley C. Tracey, William B. Grace

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0121

Abstract: This preliminary research was directed toward understanding the fundamental science behind polymer matrix-adhesive interactions in adhesively bonded composite aircraft materials throughout the product’s lifecycle. Nanoindentation techniques were used to characterize various regions of adhesively bonded carbon fiber/epoxy composite samples including the matrix resin, adhesive, and bondline mixing zones (interface/interphase). For this study, adhesive bonded composite materials from carbon fiber specimens with long-term on-aircraft time temperature and stress exposures (scrapped parts) as well as specimens with on-ground, outdoor environmental exposures were compared to lab produced baseline samples. The materials were evaluated using nanomechanical tests to understand the differences between initial interface and/or interphase development and the adhesive interface/interphase after on-aircraft time temperature and stress exposures (scrapped parts) and environmental exposure conditions. Previous studies using standard mechanical property characterization and nanoindentation methods have not been able to isolate the adhesive/adherend interphase, due to the micron-sized scale of these regions. Nanomechanical test methods can be used to measure the adhesive/adherend interphase specific properties. Nanomechanical characterization indicated only subtle changes have occurred in the modulus of each of the bondline regions. A number of mechanisms may have contributed to the overall differences in moduli between the specimen and each of the long-term exposure specimens. Future work is to further understand how these nanomechanical properties can be related to bond quality and performance.

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Conference: CAMX 2023

Publication Date: 2023/10/30

SKU: TP23-0000000121

Pages: 16

Price: $32.00

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