Title: Additively Reinforced Thermoforming (Art)
Authors: Ryan Ogle, Tyler Smith, Brandon Duty, Jim Tobin, Vlastimil Kunc, Ahmed Arabi Hassen
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0212
Abstract: Thermoforming is a cost-effective thermoplastic manufacturing process, with short cycle times, and enables the use of 3D-printed or other low-cost molds and preserve surface quality. Some drawbacks to this method include high cost per part relative to injection molding, geometric limitations on the complexity of mold geometries, and inconsistent sheet thickness. The most impactful of these disadvantages is the effect of varying thicknesses, resulting in thin area which act as weak point in the structure. This nonuniformity of the thermoformed material is due to stretching of the polymer as it contacts the mold and begins to cool at a greater rate than the remaining material not in contact. Integrating a reinforcement component to these parts would enable the selective modification of the material behavior during forming and in the final part. The precision and repeatability provided with 3D-printing make it an ideal addition for this application. To illustrate the additively-reinforced thermoforming (ART) process, CF/PETG is used for the reinforcement of the PETG sheet that it is printed on top of. The evaluation of the ART-formed components and the unreinforced alternative include thickness variation due to stretching during the forming process, and mechanical characterization of flexural, tensile, and interlaminar shear strength. Additionally, the impact on thermal conductivity and the formability limitations of the fiber-reinforced filament are of secondary importance but will also be monitored.
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Conference: CAMX 2023
Publication Date: 2023/10/30
SKU: TP23-0000000212
Pages: 10
Price: $20.00
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