Title: Promising Flame, Heat Resistant Composite Sandwich Candidate
Authors: Nicholas S. Bradshaw, Alexander B. Morgan, Donald A. Klosterman, Elias A. Toubia,
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.24.0262
Abstract: Composite sandwich panels present several advantageous characteristics for incorporation into maritime structures but fail to meet uncontained fire resistance requirements. Loss of core material integrity manifests loss of the panel’s total structural integrity and promotes further conflagration. The current generation of successful panels that passed the room corner burn test (ISO 9705) use chemical additives, metal sheathing or protective layers to prevent core failure with the compromise of weight, cost, and production complexity. Preliminary testing of a novel, next-generation, hybrid core shows promising characteristics in scalable manufacturing and mechanical strength without the sacrifice of complexity, weight, or thickness. Comprised of open core Carbon Foam and end-grain Balsa cores, this hybrid design demonstrates significant mass retention and resistance to ignition when screened for fire performance with the cone calorimeter (ASTM E-1354). Compared to previous successful panels, for an equivalent strength and behavior profile, the new panel is 1/3rd thinner and lighter, enabling implementation into use cases previously unachievable. Additional optimization of composite source materials and stack design indicate promise for further performance gains. From these early indicators, this new core shows promise in meeting the room corner test (ISO 9705) and opening new pathways in constructions that require high level of fire safety performance.
References: 0
Conference: CAMX 2024 | San Diego CA
Publication Date: 2024/9/9
SKU: TP24-0000000262
Pages: 15
Price: $30.00
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