Title: Natural Fibre Composites with Enhanced Damage Resistance Via Multi-Scale Microstructural Design
Authors: Lorenzo Mencattelli, Dana Lowell
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.24.0283
Abstract: Advances in lightweight materials are key to delivering sustainable transportation across America. The extensive use of glass and carbon fibers (high embodied energy raw materials) along with thermoset polymers for high-volume structural composites put a strong concern on sustainability. Low embodied energy, recyclable materials are required to achieve the nation’s decarbonization goals. Natural fibers reinforcing recyclable polymers offer an opportunity to bring a paradigm shift to structural components in transportation. However, the widespread adoption of these materials is hindered by a relatively low performance/cost ratio compared to the less sustainable glass(carbon)-fiber composites. We have developed and implemented two intertwined strategies to enhance the performance of natural fiber composites: 1) microscale: functionalization of natural-fiber (flax) fabrics with nano and micro fabric additives to improve the ply-level mechanical performance of commercially available flax-fiber fabrics; and 2) mesoscale: innovative Helicoid biomimetic fiber architectures for enhanced damage resistance. The best performing solution resulted in a natural-fiber reinforced composites with +29% increase in specific flexural modulus, +42% increase in specific flexural strength and +92% increase in specific interlaminar shear strength compared against a non-sustainable E-glass commercial reference composite using the same resin. This was achieved with no weight increase, a 100% biobased solutions and a fully scalable process with already commercially available raw materials. The implementation of Helicoid fiber architectures in combination with our multiscale functionalization strategy has delivered a high bio-based content composite with +12% higher specific load bearing capability and a +21% higher specific energy dissipation than a non-Helicoid non-functionalized natural fiber solution. These results have demonstrated a viable proof of concept for the development of highly sustainable and performant green automotive composites.
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Conference: CAMX 2024 | San Diego CA
Publication Date: 2024/9/9
SKU: TP24-0000000283
Pages: 15
Price: $30.00
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