Authors: August Noevere
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.23.0100
Abstract: Design of large composite structures requires striking a balance between permitted flaw size, strength margins, weight, and production rate. Stringent requirements manufacturing flaws can result in a lightweight structure because the strength properties are assumed to be closer to pristine. However, these stringent requirements can lead to production delays due to increased inspection and rework needed during the layup and rejection of parts after cure. Conversely, permitting larger flaws can reduce production delays, but will likely result in a heavier structure due to increased conservatism needed to maintain acceptable structural margins. The tradeoff between these criteria can vary between different structures and material systems, so the balance between manufacturing and design requirements is always a moving target. Assessment of this tradeoff requires having the ability to quickly evaluate the impact of flaw size on strength margin across an entire structure for a large number of load cases. The approach taken in this work is to implement an effects of defects analysis and sizing framework within HyperX. HyperX performs optimization of composite structures; this capability has been enhanced to include structural flaw data in the margin of safety calculations performed during optimization. Both the flaw import process and analysis of flaws have been generalized such that any flaw type from any source can be considered. The resulting tool enables rapid assessment of the impact of defects both at a vehicle and part level.
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Conference: SAMPE 2023
Publication Date: 2023/04/17
SKU: TP23-0000000100
Pages: 10
Price: $20.00
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