Authors: John P. Chandler IV, Joseph J. Thalakkottor, N. Krishnan P. Veluswamy, Orian Welling , David R. Salem
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.23.0191
Abstract: Porous materials have convenient properties to be used to efficiently heat fresh air for enclosed spaces in cold environments. This is done by drawing outside air with a negative interior pressure through small channels in a heated panel which in turn conducts heat into the incoming air. This study discusses the optimization of incoming air heat exchanger effectiveness while minimizing the thickness of material required. This is done by varying the angle of the channels through the panel to increase the length of the channel and therefore the resonance time of the air without increasing the thickness of the panel. Literature from the thermal sciences were used to determine the starting parameters for a porous panel. Multiphysics simulation software was used to determine the effect of varying air resonance time. Simulations were performed to determine if the simulations agreed with work done by prior literature. Simulation results showed that by increasing the resonance time of the air through the channels, the heat exchanger effectiveness can be increased without increasing the thickness of the panel.
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Conference: SAMPE 2023
Publication Date: 2023/04/17
SKU: TP23-0000000191
Pages: 8
Price: $16.00
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