Title: Design and Testing of a Multi-Material Joint for Cryogenic Hydrogen Flow
Authors: André Baeten, Sabrina Barm, Markus Fackler, Neven Majic, Johannes Reitenberger, Samuel Griza, Christian Oblinger, Kiran Kamath, Timo Körner, Anna Trauth
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0015
Abstract: Manufacturing of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) with carbon fiber and carbon matrix includes a time- and labor-intensive ceramic infiltration step that is responsible for more than half of the total manufacturing cost. To make CMCs cost-competitive in price-sensitive markets, like concentrated solar power, it is essential to develop a CMC manufacturing process that skips the ceramic infiltration process. In this work, we will show how a high-char-yield preceramic resin can eliminate the infiltration step while maintaining material density and evaluate the technoeconomic impact of our CMC manufacturing process. We monitor both morphology and porosity to determine the quality of CMCs made with different preceramic resins and evaluate the impact of polymer infiltration and pyrolyzing cycles.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000015
Pages: 22
Price: $44.00
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