Title: Material State Monitoring System
Authors: Hiroshi Ide and Hiroto Yoshikawa
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0037
Abstract: Advanced material and structures are being increasingly used in state-of-the art structures. In spite of their many advantages these advanced components are highly susceptible to hidden flaws that may occur during their manufacturing and/or at any time during the life cycle of a structure. If those flaws are undetected, they may cause sudden and catastrophic failure and often that will lead to disastrous results. Safe operation of these structures requires rapid and early detection of structural degradation. This motivates deploying efficient and effective wireless sensor network (WSN) throughout the structure and use the WSN as pre-processor for detail analysis FEA system like GENOA. Each “node” (sensor and radio) within the network should have a 1) sensing capability, 2) unique identifier, 3) on-board processing power, and 4) ability to operate collaboratively in a layered network.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000037
Pages: 12
Price: $24.00
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