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The Development Of A Uv Curable Material For High Rate Aerospace Manufacturing And Repair


Title: The Development Of A Uv Curable Material For High Rate Aerospace Manufacturing And Repair

Authors: Jessica L. Wallick, Marcos Pantoja

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0042

Abstract: The constant pursuit of aerospace original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for new materials that can support the drive towards faster, more cost efficient and sustainable manufacturing is an ongoing effort. The use of ultra-violet (UV) curing materials is one solution to this challenge. However, these technologies have not yet been widely adopted in aerospace due to limitations such as low Tg and service temperatures and the potential challenges associated with adopting new processes that are radically different from conventional thermal curing methods. Therefore, a need exists for a UV curing technology more suitable for the higher temperatures and extreme environmental conditions required for aerospace applications, as well as better investigation into the best practices and processes for UV curing materials. As a result, a new free-radical UV curing material has been developed that has similar properties to conventional heat-cured high-temperature thermosetting materials. The work presented in this paper will discuss the viability of this new technology for use in high-rate manufacturing and repair of aerospace parts, as well as the preliminary examination of the optimum curing and processing conditions needed for usage in aerospace applications.

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Conference: SAMPE 2024

Publication Date: 2024/05/20

SKU: TP24-0000000042

Pages: 16

Price: $32.00

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