Title: Inter- and Intra-Laminar Properties of an Afp Post-Processed Thermoplastic Composite
Authors: Timothy S. Yap, Nathaniel M Heathman, Joseph G Kirchhoff, Mehran Tehrani
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0058
Abstract: "Transitioning to high-performance thermoplastic composites (TPCs) carries great potential due to their enhanced toughness, ease of repairability, and the possibility of bypassing the need for autoclaves that are essential for curing thermosetting composites. Full consolidation of parts may be achieved in-situ using automated fiber placement (AFP) at slow rates; alternatively, with higher rates, consolidation may only occur following vacuum-bag oven processing (vacuum-bag only or VBO) or compression molding (CM) post-processing. This study investigates the CM of AFP carbon fiber LM-PAEK™ composites at a low pressure of 0.2 MPa to simulate VBO post-processing, focusing on their intra- and inter-laminar behavior. Short-beam strength, fracture toughness modes I and II, and transverse tensile and compressive samples were manufactured via AFP using a fast layup rate, followed by low-pressure CM. As compared to previous studies, post-processing resulted in greater interlaminar bonding. This study demonstrates the viability of TPCs for the next generation of aerospace structures with a relatively simple oven post-processing. Keywords: carbon fiber, thermoplastic composites, automated fiber placement, post-processing Corresponding author: Mehran Tehrani"
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000058
Pages: 10
Price: $20.00
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