Title: Holistic Digital Product Development Process for Tailored Fibre Placement Reinforced Parts
Authors: Lars Wollert, Rebecca Emmerich, Tobias Schalm, Diego Aguirre, Julia Lenz, Thomas Gries
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0062
Abstract: "Due to the complexity of production, fibre-reinforced plastic components are often manufactured in small or medium series in time-consuming manual processes. When using load-optimised production technologies, the tailored fibre placement (TFP) process is well established. But, the product development process is time consuming. Here, the missing connection between different development steps (e.g. load case optimisation, FEM analysis, draping and path planning) often leads to multiple iterations. For this purpose, a digital tool with links to common engineering software as well as financial and economic evaluation tools is indispensable. Using TFP as semi-finished textile production method is a promising process for an efficient production of load-optimised components. Currently, only a few manufacturers have the know-how to develop products while directly considering the entire process chain. Within the framework of the research project DigiPEP, a digitalisation of the entire product development process for TFP reinforced composite parts is being developed. Starting from a defined component geometry, the aim is first to simplify the development process through automated design processes and the implementation of the path planning of the embroidery pattern. In addition to the design of the optimal paths and component thickness, a draping model is part of the digital process chain. Especially for the mechanical design, a broad database for TFP preforms is required. For this purpose, critical shear angles for TFP semi-finished textiles with different manufacturing parameters are determined. For this, shear frame tests and an optical measurement method are used. These parameters can be used in the following for the implementation of the drape model and the transformation from 2D to 3D data."
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000062
Pages: 15
Price: $30.00
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