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Cleaning and Utilization of Waste Coal for Graphite Applications


Title: Cleaning and Utilization of Waste Coal for Graphite Applications

Authors: Mr. Dwayne R. Morgan, Dr. Roe-Hoan Yoon, Dr. Aaron Noble

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0063

Abstract: "Garbage of bituminous (GOB) contains waste rock accumulated during coal mining operations that includes coal fines, shale, bone coal (i.e., coal with very high ash content), sulfates, and carbonates. Eventually, the amassed GOB becomes a disposal site that is deemed to cause significant environmental, public health, and safety hazards. Ever increasing aspirations to cleanup these sites has fueled new innovation in separations technology that potentially benefits utilization of the reclaimed coal and mineral deposits. This research focuses on utilization of waste coal, or refuse coal, that has been cleaned by the Hydrophobic Hydrophilic Separation (HHS) method. The refuse coal contains greater than 50 weight percent of ash impurity. HHS is confirmed to reduce the ash impurity to approximately 1-wt% and with up to 99-wt% coal recovery, respectively. Furthermore a research objective was to determine the feasibility in using the recovered coal for manufacturing molded graphite. The HHS process is described as well as refuse ash and HHS organic recoveries. Finally, analysis results of the cleaned refuse coals as determined by carbon yield, the degree of graphitization, and molded graphite process feasibility is reported."

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Conference: SAMPE 2024

Publication Date: 2024/05/20

SKU: TP24-0000000063

Pages: 15

Price: $30.00

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