Title: On Drapability and Characterization of Flax Fabric Reinforcements
Authors: Olivia H. Margoto, Amir Nazemi, Yasmine Abdin, Abbas S. Milani
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0068
Abstract: Woven fabric-reinforced polymer composites have become a primary material system of choice in automotive and aerospace manufacturing sectors, primarily due to their superior drapability, bi-axial strength, and reduced structural weight. In such industries, the replacement of synthetic reinforcement materials with natural woven fabrics is increasingly encouraged, to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, there exists an ongoing need for fundamental understanding and optimization of natural fibre fabrics’ forming behaviour under different manufacturing processes, requiring a comprehensive characterization. In this study, a set of 2x2 flax twill fabrics with varying areal weights and a biaxial non-crimp flax fabric were mechanically characterized under shear, friction, bending, and tensile deformation modes. To investigate the correlation of these properties with the process-induced defects, a tetrahedron was also formed. The twill fabric with higher areal weight showed higher friction coefficient and bending stiffness while exhibiting lower intensity of wrinkles during the forming, as compared to its lower grammage counterpart. Despite having the lowest friction coefficient, the biaxial non-crimp flax fabric exhibited the highest forming-induced defect, along with the higher shear stiffness and lower bending stiffness, as compared to the other fabrics. Finally, the effects of fabric orientation and multi-layer forming of the fabrics were scrutinized.
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