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Machine Learning-Based Models for Delamination Detection in a Composite Laminate


Title: Machine Learning-Based Models for Delamination Detection in a Composite Laminate

Authors: Junyan He, Linqi Zhuang, Adarsh Chaurasia, Ali Najafi

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0086

Abstract: In this study, a random-forest-based machine learning model that uses a set of five stress wave factors as input features was evaluated for delamination location prediction in composite plates with different layup combinations. Meanwhile, a comprehensive study was also conducted using the same training data to compare the performance of the random-forest-based machine learning model and a deep learning model. The deep learning model converts 1D time-domain data into a 2D time-frequency domain image through continuous wavelet transformation, employing it as input features for delamination location prediction. Our findings reveal the efficacy of the proposed stress wave factors as input features. The comparative study between the two machine learning models demonstrates their capability to accurately predict delamination locations for specific layups or composite shapes. However, the prediction accuracy diminishes for unseen cases, such as different layups and delamination shapes. To enhance prediction accuracy for these unseen scenarios, additional training data is required.

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Conference: SAMPE 2024

Publication Date: 2024/05/20

SKU: TP24-0000000086

Pages: 10

Price: $20.00

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