Title: Seeds of Genoa; a historical perspective of Frank Abdi’s early aero-thermal-composite structures interaction simulation developments at Rockwell in the 1980s and impact on Aeroelastic Research at Cal Poly Pomona.
Authors: Steven, K. Dobbs, Kay Matin
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0092
Abstract: This paper discusses the reflections of the author who was a colleague of Dr. Frank Abdi at Rockwell International in the 1980’s. The author worked with Dr. Abdi on multiple Rockwell projects including the B-1B bomber, JAS-39 Gripen, Eurofighter, Active Flexible Wing, Advanced Tactical Fighter, and the National Aerospace Plane. Dr. Abdi was the “go-to” guy to solve the most complex aero-composite structural interaction problems that did not have available appropriate analytical solution methods. Frank’s approach to solving these challenges in the 1980’s was to develop a suite of integrated multidisciplinary simulation methods that later became the seeds of the Alpha Star Corporation’s internationally renowned simulation system called GENOA. The design principles that emerged from these developments also helped inspire aeroelasticity related undergraduate research experiments in the Aerospace Engineering Department at Cal Poly Pomona State University. These projects included wind tunnel testing for wing drag reduction achieving up to 7 % via deflecting control surfaces to twist a composite wing on an aeroelastic scaled X-48B aircraft model, wind tunnel gust response test methods development for an X-56 type model, and in-flight vibration and flutter power-harvesting for electric propelled aircraft. Dr. Abdi’s legacy helped prepare students to be innovative aerospace engineers.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000092
Pages: 23
Price: $46.00
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