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Virtual Testing of Fatigue/Creep/Environmental Cracking using a Meso-scale Fracture Mechanics Model


Title: Virtual Testing of Fatigue/Creep/Environmental Cracking using a Meso-scale Fracture Mechanics Model

Authors: Kamran Nikbin

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0094

Abstract: This paper presents an overview of research and development of virtual meso-scale models for crack initiation/growth under creep/fatigue/environment, or a combination thereof, which can be used in the design and life assessment of high temperature plant components. As these three mechanisms are fundamentally the main reasons for damage and failure in metallic components it is essential to be able to simulate their long-term effects based on short term experimental data. The meso-scale based modelling presented uses virtual test methods to optimise accelerated testing and determine the remaining life of components. The procedure is applicable for analysing defects in components where uniaxial and multiaxial properties are available, and which are used with the respective constitutive creep/fatigue/environmental properties. To model the cracking behaviour with the different failure mechanisms idealised microstructure meshing containing grains, grain boundaries, voids and inclusions is constructed, and virtual tests carried out to predict the effects on crack growth. Examples of the results are shown using appropriate user-subroutines in conjunction with FEM. An integrated model is thus presented which can be used to predict time dependant intergranular creep, cycle dependant trans-granular fatigue and time-dependant surface corrosion or oxidation damage or cracking in components.

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Conference: SAMPE 2024

Publication Date: 2024/05/20

SKU: TP24-0000000094

Pages: 26

Price: $52.00

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