Title: Revolutionary Joining Technology Cib ® Applications Of A Covalent Intermediate Bonding Technology
Authors: Jan Verhaeghe MBA
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0101
Abstract: "Current transportation equipment (Trailers, ISO containers,...) are at the limit of what can be achieved in weight savings. Based on a 30 years’ experience in implementing structural thermoset composites in this markets, a new breaking through technology in dynamically loaded structural thermoplastic composites which will be explained in-depth in the technical paper. Contrarily to existing thermoplastic technologies available in aerospace and automotive, transportation equipment needs parts with vast surfaces 2.5 meter wide and 13.5 to 18 meter long, and this at market conform cost. Current available technologies do not respond to these requirements. The Neomera Organosheet (PA-6 / Glass), due to the specific sizing of the glass offers a real possibility to make solutions possible. It is proven that for structural sandwich panels under heavy dynamic loads, PET foam is the best candidate. The connection however between PA-6 and PET is not evident. Welding and bonding vast surfaces are tested, but proved too expensive and difficult to do. Agesia developed a new joining technology that stipulates covalent bonding between the PET and PA-6 molecules: COVALENT INTERMEDIATE BONDING.(CIB). IR analysis by FIBRE in Bremen proved this. Based on this technology, a unique sandwich panel was developed and successfully implemented in applications such as a 45’ intermodal container, a pick-up floor and a chassisless caravan. CIB and even a sandwich panel are not commercial items without concrete applications. The development of these projects based on a specific method are presented. Coupon testing to extensive endurance tests done on real scale on internal test equipment with data captation trough integrated optical fibers, and FEA, result in a working digital twin. Detailed results will be discussed, and documented with data. The current started projects are now in TRL-7 phase. Once implemented in commercial projects, this could mean over 50.000Ton of composites per year, this additional to the existing market and not by cannibalizing the thermoset market. "
References: 1.Dr. Elmar Witten, president AVK, The European Composites Market- Development, Challenges and Trends, presentation on October, 24th 2023 – JEC Forum DACH – Salzburg 2.ir. Jan Verhaeghe, Transition from thermoset to thermoplastic composites in road and rail transportation equipment. Presentation TCC2020 convention ACMA, San Diego, 29 April 2020. Video of the presentation available on www.agesia.com . 3.Dany De Kock, Johns Manville, Johns Manville Technical Center, Denver. Part of confidential internal technical report. 4.Dr. Dipl-Ing Ernö Sandor Nemeth, head of laboratory Faser Institute Bremen, Report Nr AU-211206-8347-1B-B1. 5.Dr. Ricardo Hernandez, Leartiker Polymers Laboratory, REPORT 28268, 6th December 2023 6.Patent pending, Jan Verhaeghe and Koen De Roeve: WO 2022/009185 7.Patent pending, Jan Verhaeghe and Koen De Roeve: WO 2023/119127 8.Patent pending, Jan Verhaeghe and Koen De Roeve: EP 23206863.5 9.Jan Verhaeghe, Presentation SAMPE Fall Technical Conference | Wichita, Kansas, “Global Material Technology Soaring to New Horizons”: “Composite transport Frames”, 10. Nicolas Logie & Clément Callens, CETIM Grand Est, Mulhouse (FR) : Technical report : « TP sandwich (rPET/PA) waste recycling by Thermosaïc® technology ». 11.Ing P. Czermak, Inspector – RINA Services S.p.A, UIC Test according IRS 50592, inspection report IM/2023/00327 & IM/2023/00327/1. “Intermodal Loading Units for vertical transshipment and suitable for carriage on wagons”. 12.Partner Intermodal containers: Accueil - MODALIS location matériel transport combiné 13.Partner Chassisless Chassis: Caravane pliante en toile fabriquée en France par Cabanon
Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000101
Pages: 17
Price: $34.00
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