Title: Integration of Structural Analysis and Manufacturing Process Planning for Global Optimization with Automated Fiber Placement
Authors: August Noevere, Von Jamora & Ramy Harik
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0141
Abstract: Design of mass-efficient composite structures intended for Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) requires close interaction between structural analysis and manufacturing process planning. Tools exist for each of these disciplines, but software interplay has been insufficient for rapid and efficient design iteration. Within the NASA Advanced Composites Consortium (ACC), the Design for Manufacturing (DFM) task has made significant progress towards linking these disciplines and respective software – HyperX (design), CAPP (process planning), and VCP (tool path generation). The initial focus in previous work was on data exchange between disciplines. The ability to both export and consume composite design and manufacturing data to and from each tool. This paper focuses on the effort to automate and streamline the connection between the tools listed above, with the goal of being able to automatically generate a composite AFP design that is mass-efficient and manufacturable. The optimization method being pursued is a bi-level approach, where each tool performs optimization within its discipline. The optimization in HyperX is focused on mass and laminate strength, while CAPP is focused on maximizing manufacturability. VCP is used to generate fiber paths for each design iteration. These sub-processes are wrapped with a global level optimization, driven by HyperX, used to converge the design. This paper describes the current state of this effort, which is a completed HyperX-VCP iteration loop and initial work on the HyperX-CAPP iteration loop. Additionally, example results are shown for a wind blade structure with double curvature.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000141
Pages: 14
Price: $28.00
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