Title: Expanding the Temperature Capabilities and Improving the Producability of Core-Stiffened Bismaleimide Structure
Authors: Evan M. Lloyd, Alan Rhodes, Marcos Pantoja, Jubilee E. Bosch, Jeremy N. O’Hara, Chad D. Belt
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0143
Abstract: With maximum structural service temperatures of approximately 200 °C, bismaleimide (BMI) materials represent key intermediates in high-temperature performance composites between epoxies and polyimides. They also possess intermediate processing requirements. While cheaper and easier to process than polyimide structures, BMIs exhibit significantly more flow and are more difficult to process than typical epoxy systems. In this work, analytical characterization is combined with cure kinetic modeling to reduce flow during cure and improve the producability of core-stiffened BMI structure. Further, a novel thermal barrier approach is leveraged to expand the excursion capabilities of BMI structure beyond 250 °C and enable use of BMIs in typical polyimide applications.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000143
Pages: 13
Price: $26.00
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