Title: An Integrated Additive Simulation Workflow for Enhanced Fused Deposition Modeling: Simulation, Compensation, and Experimental Validation
Authors: Mallikharjun Marrey
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0158
Abstract: The continuous evolution of additive manufacturing, especially Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), is enabling the production of complex geometries at scale, driving the adoption of AM for mass manufacturing. However, achieving the desired precision and tolerances in FDM is a critical concern due to inherent defects like air gaps, deformations, and residual stresses during printing. To address these challenges and reduce the need for experimental validation, an integrated additive simulation workflow has been developed. The workflow simulates the 3D printing behavior of the FDM process and predicts the as-built part characteristics by creating a qualified temperature-dependent material model using a nano-assisted micromechanics approach, quality assessing the toolpath for potential defects such as air gaps, and running a toolpath-driven transient thermal and coupled thermal structural analysis using Multi-scale Progressive Failure Analysis (MS-PFA) to calculate temperature distribution, deformation, and residual stress during and after the 3D printing process. The iterative compensated geometry algorithm is employed to achieve a near-net shape with required tolerances. The simulated results are then compared with experimental results to validate the build simulation workflow. In this paper, as a demonstration example, this workflow has been implemented on a ULTEM9085 duct model. The simulation results show excellent agreement with the deformations and defects of the as-built part. Moreover, the iterative compensated geometry algorithm was able to achieve the required compensated geometry, reducing the build defects and improving the build quality. This integrated build simulation workflow is a promising approach for improving the quality of FDM 3D printed parts. It can be used to predict and compensate for potential defects before printing, resulting in first-time print right and near-net shape parts with the desired tolerances.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000158
Pages: 11
Price: $22.00
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