Title: Eco-Friendly Composites: Fabrication and Characterization of Polymer Composites made from Bio-Based Curing Agent
Authors: Nachiket S. Makh, Lifeng Zhang, Joshua Tucker and Ajit D. Kelkar
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0195
Abstract: Thermoset polymer composites, known for their outstanding thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties, have found applications in diverse fields, including aerospace and automotive industries. These polymers, once cured, cannot be recycled, making the end-of-life management of these composites very difficult and posing an environmental challenge. Conventional recycling methods are unsuitable for thermosets, forcing their accumulation in landfills and raising environmental concerns. One possible solution to overcome this concern is to use resins or curing agents, or both, made from biodegradable materials. This study explores the fabrication and characterization of polymer composites using a commercially available green curing agent made from biomass. The composite laminates were fabricated using HVARTM (Heated Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding) process. In this process, heat pads are used to increase the temperature of both the epoxy resin and the plain weave carbon fiber laminate to a desired temperature, providing ease of flow to the resin. Small coupons were cut from the laminate using a water jet machine to study the flexural behavior of the composite in accordance with ASTM testing standards and compared with composite coupons fabricated using conventional epoxy resin.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000195
Pages: 9
Price: $18.00
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