Title: Co-Cured Scarf Repairs
Authors: Carineh Ghafafian, Ivan Moreno, Steven Nutt
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0202
Abstract: As a sustainable, cost-effective alternative to replacement of entire structures, polymer composite components are locally repaired on-site, commonly in varying and non-controlled environments. These repairs must be easy to execute without compromising their structural integrity. Scarf repairs are known for their effectiveness and load transfer over a flat-angled joint, and are the focus of this work. Scarf repairs with different stacking layups (small-to-large vs. large-to-small) are co-cured to parent structures produced by vacuum infusion. Coupon specimens are tested under quasi-static tensile load for a comparison of restored strength and stiffness with respect to the reference structure. The effect of layups that can be realistically modified in varying environments, and thus should be prioritized for highest performance during on-site repairs of composite structures, are identified.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000202
Pages: 10
Price: $20.00
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