Title: New Kevlar® Paper Enables Ultra-Lightweight Aerostructures for More Sustainable Aviation
Authors: Dariusz W Kawka, Bérénice Remy, Sam Johnson
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0240
Abstract: "The global aerospace industry produces around 2% of all CO2 emissions worldwide. Aviation is an essential part of the modern economy and reduction of the environmental footprint is key for commercial aerospace to become a more sustainable industry. Aramid honeycomb core based on Nomex® and Kevlar® papers is used extensively throughout modern aircraft in large surface area components, both for cabin interiors and for certain exterior or “secondary” structures. DuPont has introduced a new ultra-light Kevlar® N636 1 mil para-aramid paper which enables construction of a 20 kg/m3 honeycomb core that yields sandwich panels that are 20-30% lighter weight versus 29 kg/m3 cores using 1.5 mil thickness Nomex® T412 meta-aramid paper. Moreover, a finished sidewall demonstrator has been produced that meets industry’s requirements for cabin interior parts. Superior lightweight mechanical and thermal performance, acoustics, flammability and environmental resistance, and versatile processing are the key advantages of 1 mil Kevlar-based honeycombs. With passenger cabin accounting for up to 15% of the total aircraft weight, and over 99% of CO2 particles emitted during aircraft operation over its entire life cycle, light weighting of the structural parts contributes directly to reduced fuel consumption while offering a combination of benefits including lower operating costs, reduced carbon footprint and increased range and/or payload. The 1 mil Kevlar® paper can be a game changer for new aircraft designs, including eVTOLs and drones, where lightweighting is even more important, becoming a key enabler for the future of aircraft design."
References: [1] A.H. Rahman, M. Gibson, “Effectiveness of Honeycomb Structure in Main Battle Tank Design”, Master of Science Thesis in Military Vehicles Technology, Cranfield University, Defence Academy – Collage of Management and Technology, Dept of Engineering Systems and Management, 2013 [2] IEA, Tracking Clean Energy Progress, July 2023 www.iea.org/reports/aviation [3] IATA, Carbon Offset Program ver. 10.2, 19 April 2022 https://www.iata.org/contentassets/922ebc4cbcd24c4d9fd55933e7070947/icop_faq_general-for-airline-participants.pdf [4] ICAO, Environmental Protection, ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator (ICEC), www.icao.int/environmental-protection/Carbonoffset [5] ICAO, Economic Development – Airline Operating Cost and Productivity, Teheran 20-23 February 2017 [6] A. Johanning, D. Scholz, A First Step Towards The Integrsation of Life Cycle Assessment Into Conceptual Aircraft Design, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2013
Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000240
Pages: 7
Price: $14.00
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