Title: Manufacturing of Stretchable Wavy-Patterned Fiber-Reinforced Elastomer Composites and its Behavior Under Tensile Loading Condition
Authors: Garam Kim, Roy Su, Harry Lee, Drake Tackett, Eduardo Barocio, Timothy D Ropp, R. Byron Pipes
DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0246
Abstract: The wavy-patterned carbon fiber reinforced elastomer composites that offered both the elongation characteristic of the elastomer and the stiffness of the fiber reinforcement before the elastomer reached its elongation at failure was introduced in this study. The goal of this study was to develop and demonstrate the manufacturing process of the wavy-patterned fiber-reinforced elastomer composites and investigate its behavior under tensile loading condition. A carbon fiber tow was impregnated with a silicone elastomer and placed in the test specimen manufacturing mold with a specific pattern using a wavy-patterned fiber placing jig. The silicone elastomer was then poured into the mold to cast test specimens. Various wavy-patterned fiber-reinforced elastomer composites, each with different allowed elongation levels and different amount of fiber, were designed and fabricated. Due to fiber slippage during the tensile test with the traditional test grip fixture, a roller grip fixture was used for the tensile test. The test results showed a unique behavior of the wavy-patterned fiber reinforced elastomer composites that elongated until the patterned fiber became straightened, providing additional stiffness to the test specimen under tensile loading. It was observed that the maximum strength and elongation at failure varied with different patterns and amounts of fiber. The unique failure mechanisms of the fiber-reinforced elastomer composite during the tensile test were analyzed and discussed. Despite the fiber being fully impregnated with the elastomer, weak adhesion between the fiber and elastomer led to debonding between them.
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Conference: SAMPE 2024
Publication Date: 2024/05/20
SKU: TP24-0000000246
Pages: 12
Price: $24.00
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