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Multi-Objective Optimisation of Tape Positioning in Injection Molded Components Considering Warpage Reduction


Title: Multi-Objective Optimisation of Tape Positioning in Injection Molded Components Considering Warpage Reduction

Authors: Martin Giersberg, Lukas Kneer, Hakan Çelik, Rainer Dahlmann, Christian Hopmann

DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/s.24.0279

Abstract: Local reinforcements in injection moulded components for mass market applications with thermoplastic glass or carbon fibre tapes can improve structural performance while also enabling significant savings in compound material. This creates a new, economically feasible and environmentally friendly design approach for injection moulded components. However, the significant differences in thermal expansion coefficients and stiffnesses between the injection moulding compound and the tape reinforcements can lead to considerable warpage of the components. To address this challenge, a multi-objective optimisation approach was developed for tape positioning in injection moulded components, taking warpage into account and, hence, unlocking the outstanding stiffening properties of tape reinforcements. The approach is based on a gradient-based topology optimisation algorithm using the finite element method. The implemented optimisation methodology is validated with a widely used part from the logistics sector (over 20 million parts worldwide).

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Conference: SAMPE 2024

Publication Date: 2024/05/20

SKU: TP24-0000000279

Pages: 15

Price: $30.00

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